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Главная » 2014 » Март » 1 » CopperCube for Windows 4.0.1
CopperCube for Windows 4.0.1
CopperCube for Windowpanes 4.0.1
CopperCube - трёхмерный движок от Ambiera.Данный редактор разрешит Вам выполнить интерактивные 3D - эстрады. Употребляйте CopperCube для сотворения документов форматов.swf либо даже в облике независимых документов Windows.exe – при всем этом не чиркнув ни целой строки шифра. Программка мастерит 3D - модели, 3D - прохождения, 360° панорамы, « полеты камеры » и даже доподлинные трехмерные игры. Это приложение может ввозить 17 разномастных файловых форматов, также поставляется с подсознательно удобопонятным lightmap - генератором и 3D - редактором.

Может быть организовывать скрипты с поддержкой Squirrel либо Actionscript 3. Программка CopperCube способна рендерить 3D с поддержкой Direct3D либо OpenGL, также пользуется оптимизированный, быстрый движок, какой разрешит Вам делать с множеством стрельбищ. Документы, сработанные в CopperCube,.SWF 3D просто интегрируются в Ваш собственный флешевый документ. Не думая того, есть возможность сотворения различных результатов, эких как облик от исходного рыла и т.д.

Что касается импорта, то Bull Cube поддерживает последующие виды форматов: My3DTools 3 (.my3D ), STL meshes (.stl ), Alias Wavefront Maya (.obj ), B3D files (.b3d ), (.csm ), DeleD (.dmf ), FSRad oct (.oct ), COLLADA (.xml,.dae ), Irrlicht inactive meshes (.irrmesh ), Lightwave 3D meshes (.lwo ), Microsoft DirectX (.x ), Milkshape (.ms3d ), Monster meshes (.mesh ), Pulsar LMTools (.lmts ), Quake 3 levels (.bsp ), Quake 2 models (.md2 ), Cartography shop 4, 3D Studio meshes (.3ds ).

Produce 3D apps inwards Brassy, WebGL or as coating! CopperCube can release your 3d views applying Brassy or WebGL. And additionally, it can produce standalone Windowpanes.exe and Mac OS X.app programmes as well. Produce your view or spell your 3D examples into the CopperCube 3D editor, readiness camera accountants, fabrics and more, and pawl&%23039;publish&%23039;. CopperCube then creates a Flash .SWF file or a WebGL javascript/HTML file ready to be published on your website.

Produce everything from elementary Dioramas to broad Bizes
There is no limit in what can be produced with CopperCube. Use the progressed - in diorama editor to produce simple 360 level diorama spectators or the free 3d view mood to produce architectural see, model spectators or even full featured bizes.

No Programming necessary!
Producing synergistic 3D views can be done applying CopperCube without the need to spell one single line of code. There are even selectable demeanors for stilted news verified foemans. But if you desire to make your views even more synergistic, you can handwriting and access everything in the locomotive applying ActionScript 3 or javascript.

Lineaments of CopperCube
- CopperCube is a 3D engine / editor with deployment targets for Flash (.swf), WebGL/javascript (.html), Windows (.exe) and Mac OS X (.app). You can create simple interactive 3D scenes without the need to write one single line of code (=no programming necessary), or even create whole games with the help of a little bit of scripting magic.
- Import your 3D models into the CopperCube editor and publish them directly as Flash swf file or WebGL app for websites, or as standalone Windows .exe or Mac OS X .app file.
- CopperCube supports realtime 3D character animation, also known as skeletal animation. It supports playing back animated meshes with an unlimited amount of joints and an unlimted amount of weights. You can model and animate animated characters using any 3d software, exporting it into one of the following file formats and then importing them into Coppercube:
- Milkshape (.ms3d)
- Microsoft DirectX (.x)
- B3D files (.b3d)
- The CopperCube editor has a built-in lightmapper which can enhance the appearence of your 3D scene greatly. Just place a few lights and click &%23039;calculate&%23039;. The lightmapper even features global illumination effects and is very simple to use.
- When publishing your interactive 3D scene CopperCube utilizes either OpenGL, Direct3D, WebGL or Stage3D/Molehill to render the scene with a highspeed, hardware accelerated render engine. An incredible amount of polygons is possible to be used then. Additionally, the following features are supported:
- Fullscreen anti aliasing
- Vertical Syncronization
- 3D sounds (.wav, .ogg, .mod, .it and more)
- Fullscreen mode
- To make your 3D scenes even more interactive, you can utilize CopperCube&%23039;s elementary pawl - merely event/action organization or regular handwritings and and charm every facet of the solid view.
- Whether you want to create simple 3D games or prototype your AAA title, CopperCube includes precreated game AI behaviors and actions, since CopperCube version 2. No need to program anything, just click your game characters and enemies together.

Thither is nowadays a small update to CopperCube 4 uncommitted. It fundamentally sterilizes a few microbes, betters Android operation a lot ( views can nowadays use up to doubly equally practically retentiveness! ) and inserts a soar functionality for the example spectator camera.

- The model viewer camera now has an option to enable zooming using the mouse wheel (or zoom gestures on android).
- Android apps created by CopperCube now start much faster because of lazy texture loading.
- Android apps created by CopperCube now only need about half of the memory as before when starting up.
This means android apps can now be much bigger and more detailed.
- When android apps run out of memory, there is a warning displayed about that now.
- 2D Overlays no longer block first person camera input, as known from CopperCube 3.
Only Touch Screen input nodes now do.
- Fixed a bug causing problems creating android apps when the current Windows user name has spaces in it.
- Fixed a bug causing the 3rd person camera not to follow the object correctly when the target is scaled.
Год выхода: 2013
Версия: 4.0.1
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Язык Интерфейса: English
Пилюля: Patch
Размер: 12.37 Mb

CopperCube for Windows 4.0.1

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Скачать CopperCube for Windows 4.0.1 c Vip-File

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